Greene Wilson Crow & Smith
Greene Wilson Crow & Smith, P.A. is an accomplished legal practice serving clients in eastern North Carolina. With a concentration on family law, criminal defense, military defense, and traffic violations, our firm has the dual distinctions of being ranked among Business North Carolina’s Legal Elite and listed in Super Lawyers. If you are located in New Bern or anywhere in Pamlico or Craven County and need strong legal representation, Greene Wilson Crow & Smith is the place to come. We will always give you the personalized attention you deserve.
& Smith Is a Wise Choice
Our attorneys are aware that being involved in a legal battle leads to elevated stress, and are determined to provide you with the relief of knowing that you are in capable hands. We not only have in-depth knowledge of the law and well-honed litigation skills but are approachable and compassionate people, dedicated to bringing your case to a successful conclusion. We have a fine track record and look forward to adding you to our list of grateful clients.
Because we specialize in certain types of cases, we are able to provide you with the know-how that comes from intense focus and long experience. If you are enmeshed in a struggle in one of the following areas, our proficiency will give you a distinct advantage.

Camp Lejeune
Water Contamination
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, in Jacksonville, North Carolina, is the site of an environmental and public health disaster that may have affected more than one million people. From 1953 to 1987, water supplies at Camp Lejeune were contaminated with a number of hazardous chemicals linked to a range of serious health conditions, including most cancers, birth defects, Parkinson’s, and other potentially life-threatening illnesses.
Guy Smith and his team at Greene Wilson Crow & Smith, P.A. are actively fighting for Camp Lejeune victims. We believe Marines signed up to serve their country at great risk to themselves. They did not sign up to be poisoned, or have their families poisoned, by toxic drinking water. Contact us today to discuss your Camp Lejeune Justice Act claim.

Family Law
Of all types of legal cases, family law is one of the most painful, concerning as it does intimate connections and dissolutions. For this reason, we make it a point to be sensitive as well as sharp when advocating for you, particularly if there are children involved. Our team of family law attorneys handles:
- Separation
- Divorce
- Child support
- Child custody
- Alimony (spousal support)
- Domestic violence
- Paternity
- Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements

Whether you are seeking proof of paternity or embroiled in the horrors of domestic violence, we are committed to keeping you safe and protecting the rights of you and your children.
Our family law attorneys are agile negotiators when it comes to the financial matters surrounding alimony, child support, or division of assets, and will see to it that you are treated fairly. Above all, our goal in family law cases is to make your best interests our priority while helping you to keep the relationships you want to preserve intact.

Divorce is never easy, no matter what anyone tells you. However, you can make it a little less painful while working on your coping skills – and come out of it stronger and more resilient than you ever thought you would be.
If you’re like most people are going through divorce, you are willing to work hard to make the process smoother for yourself and your children.
With decades of combined experience, we have learned several survival strategies for people in situations similar to yours. We hope that you find our advice helpful, and please remember that we are always here if you have any questions about your case.

Criminal Defense
Being accused of a crime is always a traumatic experience, often leading to fear and a sense of helplessness on the part of the defendant. Because we know how frightening the potential consequences of conviction can be, we will work tirelessly to protect your rights and your freedom.
We will customize a defense strategy designed to obtain a dismissal or not guilty verdict. Nonetheless, we will always be honest with you about your chances of acquittal and, if necessary, know precisely how to plea bargain to minimize penalties. Whatever happens, we will be on your side. Even if we have to appeal, we will continue fighting aggressively for the best possible result.
Our criminal defense team is adept in all aspects of crafting your defense, from the time of your arrest to your courtroom trial. As soon as you contact us, we will begin our legal advocacy on your behalf, counseling you through:
- Arrest
- Arraignment
- Preliminary hearing
- Plea bargaining
- Trial and sentencing
Military Defense
At Greene Wilson Crow & Smith, we regularly defend military personnel accused of crimes. We have a history of success in protecting the rights of those whose job it is to protect our country, no matter what crime they are arrested for. If you have been accused of a military crime, you may feel as if you are engaged in a personal war against an outsized adversary, but remember (as we always do) that you are innocent until proven guilty — all rumors about military trials not withstanding. Perhaps even more important, remember that you have our aggressive, well-armed military defense team fighting on your side.
In military defense cases, as in all criminal defense cases, the experience and skill level of the defense counsel can make all the difference in preserving your economic security, your freedom, and your reputation.

If you have been accused of a military crime, you no doubt fear the dire possible consequences of a court-martial conviction which may include:
- Substantial confinement
- Reduction in pay grade or forfeiture of pay
- Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge
- Mandatory sex offender registration
Our well-prepared military defense attorneys, however, will provide you with the strongest possible defense against crimes including alcohol-related charges, assault and other violent crimes, drug offenses, fraud, larceny, and sex crimes.

Traffic Violation Defense
We all know the inconvenience and expense of being found guilty of a traffic violation which may involve high fines, expensive and time-consuming traffic classes, points on your license, and potential loss of your driving license. Fortunately, the traffic defense attorneys at Greene Wilson Crow & Smith are ready to provide you with effective courtroom representation.
We have saved a great many clients from the difficulties of traffic violation convictions and given many others the opportunity to plea bargain to lesser offenses with decreased penalties. Our assistance can help you to avoid life-altering repercussions since the loss of your license can interfere with your commutation, chores, recreations, and/or chauffeuring of your children or elderly parents. If you have a commercial driver’s license (CDL) and drive as part of your employment, not fighting traffic tickets can be disastrous.
While you may have been taught that fighting traffic tickets is not worthwhile, this is far from true. Having our legal advocacy at the first sign of trouble can protect you not only from current inconvenience but from more serious future consequences.
Whatever your situation is, we can help preserve your rights. Our practice has the ability to defend you from all sorts of traffic violations, including:
- Failing to obey traffic signs or signals (e.g. red lights and stop signs)
- Moving violations (e.g. speeding, illegal u-turns, tailgating, weaving)
- HOV carpool violations
- Distracted driving (e.g. cell phone use or texting)
- Equipment violations (e.g. broken headlight, defective windshield)
- Driving without registration or insurance
- Failure to appear (FTA)

If you’re considering separating from your spouse, things can get quite overwhelming–especially when financial support becomes a central issue. You may be wondering if you qualify for separation support or alimony in North Carolina. The short...

When a marriage comes to an end, both parties must agree on the terms of the divorce, from property distribution and spousal support to child custody and more. Often, particularly when both parties are agreeing to separate...

A court-martial has limited legal jurisdiction. It is like a civilian court, but it is for military members. If you are in the service and breach military regulations or commit a crime, a court-martial is the...
Whatever your legal problem, our talented attorneys are available to listen to the details of your case with a sympathetic ear. We will put all of our energy into gathering evidence and executing a well-crafted strategy to provide you with the best possible outcome.
401 Middle StreetNew Bern, NC 28560 100 Progress Court, Suite 100-206
Raleigh, NC 27608 601 Cedar Street, Suite 7
Beaufort, NC 28516 Call our office 252.634.9400
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