Co-Parenting Success Strategies

North Carolina child custody laws encourage parents to develop child-centered parenting agreements that promote the child's best interest. With that in mind, the courts often begin a child custody case with a presumption that joint custody is better for the child and the parents. Joint custody allows both parents to...
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How Social Media Can Impact Family Law Cases

Social media is deeply woven into the fabric of our daily experiences. However, it's best to remain low-key online when it comes to family law matters. This article explores how social media usage can shape the trajectory of family law cases in North Carolina. From the photos we share to the comments...
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Common Financial Mistakes to Avoid in a Divorce

Divorce can be a complex and emotional journey. Your life will be forever changed by the decisions you make in this time--particularly those made about your finances. Our North Carolina divorce attorneys are committed to providing you with clear, empathetic guidance to help you avoid common financial mistakes. In this article,...
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What is a Grey Divorce?

People of all ages file for divorce in North Carolina. However, the divorce rate among older adults is rising. Older adults have often been married for a long time, which can create challenging issues for dividing property, alimony, estate planning, and health care. Our North Carolina divorce attorneys discuss the unique...
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Understanding Equitable Distribution in Divorce

North Carolina courts use the legal concept of “equitable distribution” to divide and distribute marital property among the spouses during a divorce. Many people mistakenly think equitable distribution means that each spouse gets half of the total assets of the parties, but equitable distribution does not mean that. In fact, it is...
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NC Divorce FAQs

This blog will cover some of the questions people often have when anticipating or going through a divorce in our state. These North Carolina FAQs can address some of the issues that might concern you, but you will want to talk with North Carolina family law attorneys about your specific situation. 
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