Determining an equitable distribution of marital assets can be the most technically difficult part of a divorce. If you are dealing with complex property division issues, it is in your best interests to seek the help of an experienced lawyer. At Greene Wilson Crow & Smith, our family law and prenup attorneys are...
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Category: Marriage

North Carolina Child Support Guidelines
Child Support guidelines vary between states, if you are divorced, separated or looking to become separated knowing your states child support guidelines is extremely important. All of us here at the law firm of Greene Wilson Crow & Smith are well versed in the ins and outs of North Carolina child support guidelines, and...
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New Tax Bill Just Erased Your Alimony Deduction
President Trump recently signed the giant tax overhaul that includes a provision scraping a 75-year-old tax deduction for alimony payments.
Alimony payments, typically defined in the terms of a divorce settlement, are the payments someone gives to an ex-spouse who earns less money. Statistics vary, but The IRS says that approximately 600,000 Americans claimed an...
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Don’t Let the Stress of the Holidays Ruin Your Marriage
As Christmas nears, it can be either a season of cheer or a season to fear. The stress of the holidays, with all its planning, negotiating (whose parents should you visit this year?) and the financial strain of gift-giving can make you want to throw away the mistletoe. Don’t let Christmas pull you and...
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