Marriage is tough, but often times the divorce process feels even worse. You may be approaching a divorce feeling worried, stressed or even angry. Experienced divorce attorneys can help make the process go more smoothly, and give you the confidence to take your new lease on life head on. Every state handles divorce slightly...
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Tag: Greene & Wilson
A “Drink or Two” Could Mean Jail Time in North Carolina
We are all aware that drinking and driving is wrong. No one should get behind the wheel of a car after a night of drinking. Unfortunately, some may decide they are still able to drive after two or three glasses of wine or a shot or two of liquor and that’s the big problem....
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HB 746 One Vote Away from Changing Concealed Carry Laws
The new legislation would make North Carolina one of roughly a dozen states that allow people to carry a concealed handgun without a permit.
Late last week the North Carolina House of Representatives voted to approve HB 746 which would allow citizens to carry a concealed handgun in certain places without a permit—including legislative buildings....
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The swearing in of GreeneWilsonCrow’s newest attorney, Jaimee Bullock
On a cold, rainy Friday morning in September, the Craven County Superior Court house was packed full with warm spirit for a special setting of Court. The day marked the swearing in of Craven County’s newest young attorney—Ms. Jaimee Bullock. The ceremony was conducted by the Honorable Resident Superior Court Judge, Benjamin Alford, and...
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