After careful consideration by our state and local court leaders, North Carolina Courts resume an abridged but steady course of business this week—June 1, 2020. Judges, the District Attorney’s Office, Court personnel, County leaders, and Sheriffs and law enforcement, have worked very hard to establish procedures to keep you and others safe.  But, these procedures are only as good as the individual following them.  Common sense remains the key ingredient to keeping each other safe, in and out of the courthouse.  As mentioned in the last POST, please stay in good touch with your attorney to determine if you need to be in court, and put them in a position to resolve your case with or without you.  If you are required in the courthouse, strictly follow the rules as posted or as directed by law enforcement and court personnel.  They are for your safety and others.  Most of all, be patient so you can ensure you and others don’t become a patient.

We are keeping this post short for the purposes of requesting we all take a moment of silent reflection for the over 100,000 lives lost in this pandemic, and the other recent tragedies which have befallen our Country this past week.