Where to begin? Since our last blog submission, the world has gone from the beginning of a pandemic scare, to a world on fire. Writing this on the 19th Anniversary of 9/11, the red-lined acceleration of world changes since that infamous day feels only that much more prescient over the course of the last 6 months. As we head into an Eastern North Carolina fall, under the new normal and staring down a divisive national election, we at Greene Wilson Crow Smith want to take moment to thank all our friends, clients, and colleagues.
We work hard here to take nothing for granted, most importantly all those lives that we seek to touch in our work to make our community better. No matter what divides us in idea, we as a community are most certainly drawn together by stronger commonalities (if we choose to focus on them). One thing that seems beyond dispute is how lucky we are to live in Eastern North Carolina—a glorious region drawn together by hard work, humidity, gracious farmland, ocean breezes (that may turn angry as a pirate but are generally appreciated), bountiful rivers and estuaries, and of course, pulled pork. In our thanks and appreciation of where we are, we offer our thoughts and prayers to our friends in the West facing unprecedented wild fires, our cities throughout the country struggling to find peace, those remembering loved ones and lost ones from that horrific day 19 years ago, and all those who have been lost or lost a loved one, job or just their way through the pandemic.
We will get through this together, but it goes without saying we all miss living in “precedented” times.